Ppn For Tvet Colleges
Ppn For Tvet Colleges
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges play a pivotal role in equipping students with practical skills and knowledge for successful careers. To ensure the effective functioning of TVET institutions, the implementation of Post Provisioning Norms (PPN) is crucial.
The PPN is an important aspect of the Tvet college landscape providing a framework for funding and resource allocation to support the development and growth of these institutions. As a Tvet college, knowing and using the PPN is important. In this SEO-based article, we will explore the significance of PPN for TVET colleges, and discuss its benefits.
About Post Provisioning Norms (PPN)
The PPN policy seeks to support the implementation of section 20 of the CET Act, authorizing the minister to establish posts, within a structure that are remunerated by the departmental budget and strategy. This policy is enforceable by the minister via the Public Service Act, holding the college principals accountable and responsible for the implementation of department HR Policies and Procedures.
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Post Provisioning Norms (PPN) For TVET Colleges
The technical working group reported that the following challenges identified delayed the implementation of the PPN migration: PPN for Tvet Colleges
Previous criminal records:
It was reported that there were staff members who were identified in various colleges who could not be migrated due to their previous criminal records Their cases will be submitted to the office of the Director General for consideration before they are matched and placed accordingly. The PSA maintained that those employees must not be disadvantaged but transparent processes must take place.
Employment of foreign nationals:
It was reported that foreign nationals employed at various colleges would be placed and matched after their work permits were verified and confirmed with the Department of Home Affairs. Those with fraudulent documents will be blocked by the system. The PSA requested the number of affected staff members in this regard. Ppn For Tvet Colleges
Creation of security posts
It was reported that the security posts were not included in the PPN structure and there were discussions about insourcing the current security services into the colleges. The matter will further be discussed at the upcoming Public Service Summit.
Provident Fund and Medical Aids:
It was reported that the staff members who are part of the various provident funds are eligible to join the Government Employee Pension Fund (GEPF). They can make transfer arrangements with the GEPF in that regard. The staff members with different medical aid will not be forced to join GEMS but they will not receive the government subsidy in that regard. The PSA endeavors to engage the employer further at the PSCBC level about this matter.
Outstanding and Incomplete relevant qualifications:
It was reported that those staff members who did not complete their qualifications relevant to TVET or did not have the relevant qualification will not be penalized but will be afforded a chance to correct the FOR PSA MEMBERS: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING COLLEGES BARGAINING UNIT (FETCBU) 28-02-2022 situation within a prescribed time frame. The affected members are requested to consult with their HR offices for arrangements. PPN in Education
Tvet Colleges Contact Information
- Visit: 123 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria, South Africa
- Private Bag X174, Pretoria, 0001
- Contact Details: 0800 87 2222/+ 27 12 312 5911 | callcentre@dhet.gov.za
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